Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sad news

Well....Christmas is over and New Year's Eve is tomorrow night. We had a great Christmas! It really was a good one with family, it was a little bittersweet though. Unfortunately, on Dec. 22nd, we found out that my Papa has cancer again. He is 90 years old and had lung cancer 8 years ago. He has outlived the 5 years they gave him after the last surgery. We are not sure what the plan of action is yet, but please keep him in your prayers. My grandmother is 87 and they take care of each other. They will probably have to transition into nursing care if he plans on doing any treatment. He has cancer in his lung and in his liver. I know it isn't good. It makes me so sad.
:( My grandfather (Papa) has been my second father. He has been next to or near me all my life. I know I am lucky to still have my Papa. I was blessed with a fantastic grandfather. His picture is next to the definition in the dictionary.

Martie got a new car today! Nice new Toyota Camry. Brooke will inherit her dad's old Toyota Camry. She is getting excited about driving. I am not, I will worry to death! I will just pray

We all know Obama won the election. After it was all said and done, I have to say that I was moved. It was a historic election and I am glad that I got to experience the joy of so many Americans.

Sorry so long since my last post. Crazy holiday time! I am in charge of the New Year's Dinner, so it will be ham, ribs, potato of some sort, broccoli casserole, and salad. Yum!

My diet has come along very well!!! I have lost 6 pounds and lost 10% body fat last month. I am not expecting quite the results this month. I kinda ate what I wanted for a few days. Oh well...it's Christmas!

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