Friday, October 8, 2010

My thoughts on.....

Hi world!

Wow....I just re-read my old blog entries. So much has gone on and I forgot I had a blog! LOL!

Here are the updates from my past blogs:

1. Obama won. Country is in a huge mess and the Nov. election is looming. I have heard this election could be the biggest shake up since the 1800's. This is according to my mother and I think she is right. Most everyone is just done with Washington politicians. I do wish the negative ad's on TV would go away......most of them are lies and distorted truth anyway. Just do your own research and make an informed decision.
2. My papa is still alive and kicking! He went through chemo and is doing fine. My grandmother passed away in April though. :(
She had dementia and she became bedridden the last month or so before she died. I miss her. She was a really wonderful grandmother. She was a very integral person in my life, but she was tired and old and is now in a MUCH better place. Heaven is a little closer since she is will be a great day when I meet her and my daddy in heaven.
3. My consignment sale is doing fabulous! I really love my job, but I am glad it is over. So much work and it is exhausting. Thanks to everyone for consigning, shopping and supporting me!
4. My nephew is getting married in December. He joined the Navy and will be off to San Diego as soon as he is done with his sonar classes in Chicago. We are so excited for him and his new wife to be Margo. She is a doll and just precious.....and Greek! We are going to have a big fat Greek wedding. How fun!
5. Brooke is a SENIOR this year. My baby girl is a senior! I am so happy for her to be on the edge of a new chapter, but my heart is heavy. I cannot imagine life without her here all the time.
She applied to South Carolina...Go Gamecocks! She will get in no problem. 4.2 GPA and 1200 SAT and both her parents went to Carolina. She is taking the SAT again tomorrow morning and out on the porch as week speak reading the book "Hack the SAT" so we will see if it brings up her score.
6. Josh is a sophomore and absolutely the cutest (handsomest) kid at RHHS. In his mother's opinion. He will start at 2nd base this year and is the 2nd, 2nd basemen, in the state. Pretty impressive huh? He is going to a USC baseball camp next month. It will be so cool watching him play on SC's beautiful field. It really could possibly make me cry. Oh and btw...USC won the National Championship in baseball. whoop whoop! Martie and Josh made the trip to Omaha to watch them bring it home. AWESOME experience for them......I watched at home. Let me just mention that I am the best wife ever since my precious husband was gone on our 20th anniversary to watch the Gamecocks win the championship. I wouldn't have had it any other way though. What an opportunity and I didn't want them to miss it. I would have gone,but I was not about to ride in the car for 19 hours, thank you! I hate riding in the car. Planes are my preferred travel outlet.
7. My three puppies are still absolutely precious and wonderful. I love them.

things i love......
First....Jesus. He brings me joy in my life and has blessed me abundantly.
My husband, 20 years and I love him more everyday.
My kids, I have really good kids. I am not just saying that either. They love Jesus and I hope I am being a good mother. They have never given me a day of trouble, ever. Except the normal irritating teenage back talk. (I should knock on wood, perhaps)
My family (my mom and sister are wonderful)
My puppies
The Gamecocks
My is awesome! come check it out.....
My life. I am really blessed with wonderful friends, opportunities, and love.

this is my new nickname from my sister. I love to be the one with breaking news and love to be the first to tell of some breaking story! Maybe I should have been a news journalist.
Just call me Miss FoxNews. btw hate CNN, so liberal and one sided. It is so funny to me that Obama hates them because they actually tell the whole story, not just the one he wants us to hear.
Did you hear that Obama has passed a law that TV shows have to be louder than commercials? Why is this important and how much taxpayer money did that cost? So stupid. Why can't we pass laws that matter, Mr. President.

Mosque at Ground Zero (or down the block, or whatever)

This is not a religious issue, this is a sensitivity issue. I am not against the mosque, religious freedom is one of the cornerstones of our democracy, but why must it be so close to the worst terror attack in our history? It was done against our nation by extreme Islamic radicals. Why must the "peaceful, loving" muslims press it if it instills anger and hatred? If we are tolerant of other religions, then why can't they be tolerant and understanding of ours? The road goes both ways.

That is it for today. Tomorrow is the USC vs. Alabama game. Big one.....I am hoping it will come out with the Gamecocks on top, but I am not stupid. Alabama is an awesome team. I did have a dream a couple nights ago that we won. Maybe that was an omen. We shall to Columbia in the morning!

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