Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Top 10 things I want my kids to know......

So I read that blog post from the lady to her daughter about suicide. It got me thinking.....have I taught my kids the lessons they need to know in life? So ... here are my top 10 things, not in any order, that I want them to know about life in my opinion. It might take a day or two to complete.....

1. Trust your instincts! I believe that our intuition and instincts are God's ways of tapping us on the shoulder giving us the advice and direction we need . If something tells you, don't walk down that dark alley alone, please don't do it. God (and your mommy) is saying NO! DANGER! :) Don't go home with the guy/girl you just met in a bar that you don't know anything about. Always STAY with your friends and don't EVER leave a friend or let them leave you. Lots of bad things happen to girls/boys that are alone without their friends to protect them.

2. Don't be mean to people. I promise you that mean people make their lives much harder. You never know when your smile and kind words can affect someone. Even the bum on the street needs to know that they are validated and matter in the world. Just smile .... a simple smile can make someone's day.  There will be those people that you just don't get and wonder why they are so bitter and mean. You don't know where they came from and what obstacles they have jumped through in life. So just be kind, you never know what they have endured in their lives or just 5 minutes prior to seeing you.

3. EVERYTHING happens for a REASON. I don't understand it sometimes, especially when those things hurt very badly. I still don't know why your grandfather died unexpectedly of a heart attack at age 56, despite the many doctor visits. Yes, lots of medical mistakes were made, but God had a reason for taking him. You will never know the wonderful grandfather you had on this earth. This makes me sad, but you will meet him in heaven one far away day.  Maybe the doctors didn't ignore the next person with the same complaints and many others were saved. One day, I will learn why. This is what you call  faith. Trust that God has a plan for you. 

4. Choose your friends wisely. They can influence you to do things you don't really want to do or can influence you to do the right thing. You will be judged by the company you keep. You just is a part of society. Hang with bums and everyone looks at you like a bum. Hang with the gems and you will shine with them!

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help. God makes all kinds of people, we are all blessed with different talents. This is why some people are doctors and nurses and can stand the sight of blood! Smart people, dumb people (yes there are those too) nice people, mean people, happy, sad, talented, numbers people, technical, creative, etc....people are what make the world go around. God made all these people so we can help each other and grow.

6. When choosing a partner in life, please be picky. The way they treat you while you are dating is probably the way they will treat you when you are married. If they have a lot of issues, probably not a good idea. What ever you think bugs you about them while you are dating; will magnify 1000 times by the time you are married 20 years. God has that special person created just for you, be patient to find him/her. You will know when it is right.

7. Life is not always easy. Life has it's highs and lows, sometimes those lows are tough, really tough. But we learn from those and many times you learn from those hard times of adversity. When you are successful, you will be able to look back on your life and be happy with the journey that got you there.

8. Don't have sex outside of marriage. I know this is cliche' and in today's society, almost unheard of. But trust me on this one. Every time you have sex with another person, a little piece of you is chiseled away. A piece of your heart is taken and given to another person. Do you really want to give some insignificant person a piece of you that you will never get back? You really will be happy to give your entire heart to your spouse. 
Not to mention diseases (ones that can kill you) and pregnancy.

9. Pray....God is always there to listen! Talk to him as though he was sitting next to you in the car. You don't have to be all fa la la. Even rap to Him if you want, He gets it. 

10. Nothing ever lasts forever. Nothing ...... time goes on and people forget. You will be embarrassed in your life and wish you could crawl in a hole. Trust me....I have been there many times! You will make mistakes along the way, but your family will always love you - ALWAYS! There is nothing in this world that would ever keep us from loving you.


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