Monday, October 27, 2008

Harpo called again!!!

I got a call from Harpo today! They want to talk to me again on the Dr. Maya Angelou show about my views of the election. She is doing a special show on the election. She wants to know why you are voting for your candidate, how you feel the media has portrayed your candidate, and how you feel as an American during this historic election. I had to email my "bullet" points to the producer. I will be speaking to her tomorrow at 130pm and will be on XM 156 on her show on Wednesday. I don't know when I became an expert on the Republican view on Oprah's XM show. It is amusing to me actually! LOL! I am very honored to be able to speak to Dr. Angelou. She is a fabulous woman and I feel very lucky to be able to talk to her. I just hope I have the quiet grace she eludes!
Here is my email to the producer:

"First, thank you for the opportunity to speak to Dr. Angelou. I so respect her work and reflections on the show. I am honored that I will have the opportunity to speak to such a fine woman with her quiet wisdom and grace.

I am voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because I believe his moral values, integrity and policies regarding abortion, Iraq, and the economy closely match my own. I truly believe that McCain will be a great president. He has proven, tested leadership and has served this country with pride and dignity. Having served in the military, he has the respect that is needed as Commander in Chief. We need our government to be split between both parties. America is made up of diversity and our government should reflect that!

I wouldn’t vote for Obama because he hasn’t the experience to lead, yet. While I respect Senator Obama, he has too many questionable acquaintances and I am a believer of where there is smoke, there is fire.
I don’t believe he has real answers when he is asked tough questions. I really do feel like the policies of Obama’s spread the wealth program are not democratic in nature. I do believe all American’s need health care, but I am not sure with the state we are in economically, that raising taxes is the answer. History shows that this is not the right way to fix the economy. I have a cousin who is from the USA and lives in Canada. She hates their healthcare system and it takes weeks to be seen by a doctor. I think this is where we could be heading with the Obama healthcare policy solution.

I believe the media has been extremely one sided to the Obama campaign. The media is made up of very liberal people, so they are self promoting their candidate. Other than Fox News, all the other news outlets have been unfair to the McCain campaign. They completely ignore statements from the Obama campaign that are completely inaccurate, but jump on small things like Gov. Palin’s clothes! It is very upsetting that both candidates aren’t given the same opportunity in the media.
Barbara West, the reporter from Orlando, asked candid tough questions to Senator Biden. Those went unanswered. Senator Biden was rude and condescending. Now that station has been banned because the line of questioning wasn’t pre-approved? I think the American public should have every right to the honest answers to those questions, not pre-fabricated ones. I believe EVERY American would like honest answers. That should be a given in America!

This is a historical election! We have a woman on the Republican ticket and an African American on the democratic ticket. I think that our country is ready for either and what a wonderful day in America that this can happen~!
I am excited that my children are old enough to experience this election. But, they have many questions and some I am embarrassed to admit are not easy ones to answer in regard to what is happening in the background. With this being a historical election, I hope we will be able to look back at it with a positive reflection, for our children’s sake. This election should be won honestly and without question. Whoever wins should be given respect from all!
Unfortunately, I am afraid that we won’t be able to look back at this election as having been conducted with honesty, fairness, and a high moral integrity toward both candidates. WE are one nation under God and we should act like it~! What do we teach the children of our country when the adults cannot conduct themselves and each other with honesty, integrity and respect for each other? What will the history of this election ultimately teach our children?

Thank-you for giving me the opportunity to voice my views!"

Saturday, October 18, 2008

USC vs. LSU Bayou tailgate Jambalaya Recipe

I made Emeril's Cajun Jambalaya for the tailgate on Saturday night. We play LSU, so we are doing a Bayou tailgate! Fun!

Here is the recipe!

  • 12 medium shrimp, peeled, deveined and chopped
  • 4 oz. chicken, diced
  • 1 Tble creole seasoning. recipe follows
  • 2 Tble. olive oil
  • 1/4 c. chopped onion
  • 1/4 c. chopped celery
  • 1/4 c. chopped green bell pepper
  • 2 Tble. chopped garlic
  • 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tea. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tea. hot sauce
  • 3/4 cup of rice
  • 3 cups chicken STOCK (not broth)
  • 5 ounces Andouille sausage sliced
  • kosher salt and pepper

Serves 4

In a bowl combine shrimp, chicken, and creole seasoning and work in seasoning well. In a large saucepan heat oil over high heat with onion, pepper, and celery (the trinity as it is called in LA) 3 minutes.
Add garlic , tomatoes, bay leaves,Worcestershire and hot sauces.
Stir in rice and slowly add chicken stock.
Reduce heat to medium and cook until rice absorbs liquid and becomes tender, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes. When rice is jus tender, add shrimp and chicken mixture and sausage. Cook until meat is done, about 10 minutes more. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and Creole seasoning.

Emeril's ESSENCE Creole Seasoning

2 1/2 T. paprika
2 T. salt
2 T. garlic powder
1 T. black pepper
1 T. onion powder
1 T. cayenne pepper
1 T. dried oregano
1 T. dried thyme

Combine all ingredients thoroughly.
yield 2/3 cup

ENJOY and Go Gamecocks!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sporting News I forgot to post!

The South Carolina Gamecocks won against Kentucky on Saturday! :)
This makes us 5-2 for the season and 2-2 in the conference. Next up - LSU Tigers -
The Willaby's will be in Columbia for that one!
That will be an interesting game since LSU got pounded by Florida last week.

Unless you live under a rock or don't care about Clemson, newsflash.... they fired their coach this weekend. They lost on ESPN Thursday night to Wake Forest. Guess the honeymoon is over for Tommy Bowden. Now they have an excuse if we beat them this year.

It is always a great weekend when Clemson loses and Carolina WINS!

Go Cocks!

:) Beautiful Carolina Day and the state of American Politics

You couldn't ask for a more beautiful Carolina day! The kids are out of school and the weather is just absolutely beautiful.

I was on the Gayle King (Oprah's best friend) XM radio show this morning. It should air tomorrow morning on XM 156. That is, of course, if they don't edit my call out. Here is my comment on XM this morning.
Both candidates are promising all this change that will take place. I think there is bi-partisan agreement that real change is needed in Washington. there really going to be any change? Are the politicians all rhetoric talk??
I think Washington is just trying to change Washington. Nothing is going to change....why should it? No one is ever held accountable.
For example:
The AIG executive vacation controversy.... Why is it that executives (that have a company in dire trouble) can afford to go on an executive retreat most people only dream the tune of $444,000.00? The next day, the government gives them another 38 billion dollars. Hello???(this is where Gayle thanked me for my call, See ya and bye)
The problem is this .... AIG has given substantial contributions to both political parties ensuring both parties would be in their pockets. Money talks. They will not be disciplined, won't pay it back, and there will be no change.
I don't know a solution. I don't have enough money to get anyone's attention (other than my dogs, all i need to do is wave a Greenie and I am the best human mommy EVER!) to change it. They are all bully's....
Quoting Desperate Housewives: "There are bully's everywhere and the worst are the ones that take advantage of you without you ever knowing what they have done."
So - that is my .02 cents for the day! Not that it really matters.

Oh well.....what are we going to do.? I guess I will just go out and enjoy the beautiful day! I think I might make a yummy dinner for my family!


Monday, October 6, 2008

I am a little grumpy today :(

My kids are spoiled rotten brats sometimes! They get so much and sometimes they act like they are so deprived. My entire weekend was sitting in a gym for 7 hours to watch her for 5 minutes and sitting at a ballfield for 10 hours. If I have to argue with a teenager that won't take NO for answer I might lose my mind. I am glad they are going to school today. They would probably get the wrath of Khan. I hope they don't push any buttons on the way to school.
Martie came home last night at 11:00 pm and left again this morning at 6:00 am until Wednesday. Maybe that is my problem. Irk!
I am going to go and work out my frustrations with an exersize class.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today's events.....

I had a great day! I spent 8 plus hours at the NWHS gym today. I watched lots of cheerleading squads preform. My daughters JV team did GREAT! I was so proud of them! They dropped a couple of the stunts, but they were so together and have come such a long way this year. I am so proud of them.
The cheerleading world has gotten so competitive and so athletic. I have probably dropped at least 500.00 in tumbling lessons for my daughter in the last 6 months, to get her back hand spring. She still doesn't have it by herself. Irk! She has it fine when the instructor is standing beside her (and doesn't touch her) but the minute she does it alone .... can't do it. It is all in her head! I am tired of spending money on this when I know she can do it.
But anyway.....all the squads were great. RHHS varsity hit every stunt and did fantastic! I was really proud of them. NWHS varsity dropped a couple of stunts and still placed 2nd! Helllloooo???? There is something wrong with this picture. They did great, but not a 2nd place finish. RHHS did not place. However, one of the judges practically jumped up and down after NWHS girls finished their program. It was so obvious. IRRITATING~! The RHHS girls got so robbed. I know it sounds like I am just an irritated parent .... but Brooke is on the JV team, not the Varsity team. They should have placed and the judge should not have been a NWHS fan. Something just seems a little fishy. I feel bad for the girls because they deserved to have placed. I hope their confidence doesn't falter because they are a great squad.

The Gamecocks won today! Yeah!!!! They needed that win on the road. Martie had a great time and he said the fans were really nice. That shows a lot of class....something other teams should practice. I might consider a road trip to Mississippi if the fans are nice. I don't like going to away games when the fans are rude and ugly. In my experience, this has always happens with an orange team. So, at this point in my life, I am out when it is an away game to an orange team. This includes: Clemson, Florida, Tennessee, Virgina, and Auburn. I can't seem to stop running my my mouth to rude people. It is very difficult for me.....I tend to speak my mind at the horror of my husband. I get shushed alot. For those who know me....this shouldn't come at any surprise.
I am rewatching the USC/MS game right now and it is kinda fun watching the MS team thinking they are all that when I know they lose in the end. HA!
Kentucky is next week. I don't think they are very good, but that doesn't matter sometimes with the Gamecocks. They usually play to their opponent. I don't understand that. We have some incredible athletes. I wonder if the Chicken Curse is real???? Maybe we have turned the corner.
Josh's team is 1-1. He went 2/4 in hitting today. I leave early in the morning to watch him play at 11:00am in Lexington. I really love watching him play baseball. I get so into the game and usually feel sick at my stomach in a close game. I used to hate baseball. Now I love it, but only when my kid is playing.
Blog 2 ... done!

Friday, October 3, 2008

My first ever blog

Hello world! I am going to start a blog. Everyone is doing it, so me being the kind of gal that likes to do what everyone else is doing, will blog.
I am not really sure what a blog is actually. I think it is just random thoughts for the day and what is going on in my life. So here goes.......

Who am I? Well, I am Kim Willaby: 40 years old - I know, it really sucks being 40, but it is what it is right? And 40 is the new 30, so they say. I still feel 18 on the inside. :)
I have been married for 18 years to a wonderful guy named Martie. He is in the telecom business. I got a good one! He is a wonderful husband and a fabulous daddy. He helps around the house and supports me in most of what I want to do. We have 2 beautiful children, Brooke (15) and Josh (13). I also have 4, 4-legged babies. 3 dogs, Jovie, Jake and Katie and a beautiful black long haired kitty named Toulouse. Katie is a full blooded standard dachshund. Jake and Jovie are her babies. Literally. We think Jake has jack russell in him and Jovie has beagle. Perhaps, Katie was the neighborhood dog prostitute so I am not really sure what they are except precious! My welcoming committee is warm and wonderful! Katie belonged to a neighbor, wasn't being taken care of , so she decided she would live with us. Sleeping in dog bed was much better than sleeping under a trailer. She literally kept coming to our house with her puppies behind her and try to sneak in the house. She eventually won the battle and the neighbors said we could just keep her. So we did......enough about the dogs. I am a little fanatical about my animals. I love them!
I won't talk much about my kids and their whereabouts. I am a bit worried some weirdo will track them and take them from me. My biggest fear is that something would happen to my children. I cannot imagine the pain that people that lose their children go through.

Brooke is a cheerleader and in the 10th grade. She is extremely smart, loving, loud, creative and beautiful. It amazes me everyday what a wonderful woman she is turning out to be. I wonder what she will be when she grows up! She is driving, but not well. It is scary to her mother!

Josh is a competitive baseball player. He is on the Bonecrushers travel team, playing shortstop and pitches. He is a doll! Very loving, cuddly, stubborn, and tenacious. He doesn't give up on something when he wants it. Sometimes that is good and well, sometimes bad when it is something we don't want him to do. He will make someone a great employee one day because he always gives 100% to everything he does. Except maybe math.

I own my own business called the Upscale WeeSale. It is a semi-annual children's consignment sale. I do it twice a year (hence the semi) and love what I do. I only wish I could find a place that is big enough to hold it that has good parking and good lighting. It is always an issue. I wish I could just build my own building, but that would be too expensive. My last sale was fabulous! Best ever! But all my laptops were stolen - that was a bummer, but insurance did cover some of it. I wish it hadn't happened because it was a really stressful sale after that happened. It was National Lampoon WeeSale. It was one thing after another.....I am really glad it is over!
They did catch the ding dongs that broke in and they are in jail. I just don't understand dishonesty and mean people.

I am a member of the Junior Welfare League. I am the cookbook chairman and just got back from a conference in Nashville at the Opryland Hotel. What a beautiful hotel! I have so much to do to get the cookbook marketing plan in order. Maybe I should be working on that instead of writing this.

I love to travel!!! I have been to England, Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Cayman Islands, St. Thomas, St. John, and all over the USA. My 2 favorite places are Rome and Prague. Beautiful places with so much history! Costa Rica is up there too....the Arenal Volcano is really something to see! But at heart, I am a beach person and love to feel the sand between my toes.
We have a beach condo on Ocean Isle Beach in NC.

We go to North Rock Hill church. Great church if you are looking for one! God is very important in my life and I couldn't get through the day without HIM! I don't know how people get through life without Faith. I am not a good debater though. Once I tried to explain to an atheist why I believed in God. I wasn't too good at it. All I know is that I would rather believe in Christ, die, go to heaven and be right than to be a non-believer, die, and go to heaven and be wrong! That would be a one way ticket to h-e-double hockey sticks! :) I am so funny.....
Truly though.....God is good and I am a very blessed person!

I am a conservative Republican. I think Sarah Palin is fabulous! What a wonderful candidate John McCain picked! She is adorable - but smart! I really have extreme concerns about Obama. I just cannot imagine the damage he could do with the democratic congress and house. I don't understand the obsession with him. What is he the anti-christ? They do say that the anti-christ is from Muslim decent. Just kidding....i don't think he is the anti-christ! LOL!

I am not really sure if anyone will read this.

So - this weekend is busy for me. Martie is at the SC vs. Ole Miss game in MS with 10 of his oldest friends and frat brothers. I hope SC wins. They must pull this one out to have any decent season. We are avid Gamecock fans. Never miss a game (martie anyway) and even though our team has it's up and downs, we will never falter!!!! We have successfully brainwashed our children. They are crazy fans like their parents. Orange is banned in the Willaby household. We have a general dislike for Clemson (as most Gamecock fans do!) and so do our children. :) We have taught them well. I think you will admit that all orange teams are obnoxious. I do have some friends that are Clemson fans. God love them.....we all have our faults I guess. Lol jk!

Brooke has a cheerleading competition tomorrow and Josh has a baseball tourney in Lexington. He is spending the night with a teammate and going with him to the game since I have to stay with Brooke. She has 4 friends spending the night ..... oh boy! Why did I agree to that?

So that is it for today. I need to be productive......have a great weekend world!