Monday, October 27, 2008

Harpo called again!!!

I got a call from Harpo today! They want to talk to me again on the Dr. Maya Angelou show about my views of the election. She is doing a special show on the election. She wants to know why you are voting for your candidate, how you feel the media has portrayed your candidate, and how you feel as an American during this historic election. I had to email my "bullet" points to the producer. I will be speaking to her tomorrow at 130pm and will be on XM 156 on her show on Wednesday. I don't know when I became an expert on the Republican view on Oprah's XM show. It is amusing to me actually! LOL! I am very honored to be able to speak to Dr. Angelou. She is a fabulous woman and I feel very lucky to be able to talk to her. I just hope I have the quiet grace she eludes!
Here is my email to the producer:

"First, thank you for the opportunity to speak to Dr. Angelou. I so respect her work and reflections on the show. I am honored that I will have the opportunity to speak to such a fine woman with her quiet wisdom and grace.

I am voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because I believe his moral values, integrity and policies regarding abortion, Iraq, and the economy closely match my own. I truly believe that McCain will be a great president. He has proven, tested leadership and has served this country with pride and dignity. Having served in the military, he has the respect that is needed as Commander in Chief. We need our government to be split between both parties. America is made up of diversity and our government should reflect that!

I wouldn’t vote for Obama because he hasn’t the experience to lead, yet. While I respect Senator Obama, he has too many questionable acquaintances and I am a believer of where there is smoke, there is fire.
I don’t believe he has real answers when he is asked tough questions. I really do feel like the policies of Obama’s spread the wealth program are not democratic in nature. I do believe all American’s need health care, but I am not sure with the state we are in economically, that raising taxes is the answer. History shows that this is not the right way to fix the economy. I have a cousin who is from the USA and lives in Canada. She hates their healthcare system and it takes weeks to be seen by a doctor. I think this is where we could be heading with the Obama healthcare policy solution.

I believe the media has been extremely one sided to the Obama campaign. The media is made up of very liberal people, so they are self promoting their candidate. Other than Fox News, all the other news outlets have been unfair to the McCain campaign. They completely ignore statements from the Obama campaign that are completely inaccurate, but jump on small things like Gov. Palin’s clothes! It is very upsetting that both candidates aren’t given the same opportunity in the media.
Barbara West, the reporter from Orlando, asked candid tough questions to Senator Biden. Those went unanswered. Senator Biden was rude and condescending. Now that station has been banned because the line of questioning wasn’t pre-approved? I think the American public should have every right to the honest answers to those questions, not pre-fabricated ones. I believe EVERY American would like honest answers. That should be a given in America!

This is a historical election! We have a woman on the Republican ticket and an African American on the democratic ticket. I think that our country is ready for either and what a wonderful day in America that this can happen~!
I am excited that my children are old enough to experience this election. But, they have many questions and some I am embarrassed to admit are not easy ones to answer in regard to what is happening in the background. With this being a historical election, I hope we will be able to look back at it with a positive reflection, for our children’s sake. This election should be won honestly and without question. Whoever wins should be given respect from all!
Unfortunately, I am afraid that we won’t be able to look back at this election as having been conducted with honesty, fairness, and a high moral integrity toward both candidates. WE are one nation under God and we should act like it~! What do we teach the children of our country when the adults cannot conduct themselves and each other with honesty, integrity and respect for each other? What will the history of this election ultimately teach our children?

Thank-you for giving me the opportunity to voice my views!"

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